A sem že povedala, da imamo tri mlade mucke? Iiiiiiiii! .
There was a concert of Terrakota in Gala hala, Ljubljana on Monday 2.7.. There is an article on RON page (=KLIK) in Slovene with a some pictures. Enjoy!
On the island Susak there was a sea gull that became our friend. Especially for the time that we were throwing him food. When we decided he has enough he flew away and got his own food.
HEJ. Najprej naj vam zaupam, da me je danes kar 2x namočilo kot cucka! Prvič me je namočilo, ko sem šla iz službe na sedež predsednika republike, k šefici za protokol Kseniji Benedetti na razgovor za delo! Seveda je prej rosilo, dokler nisem prišla do kolesa, ko je najprej nemarno treščilo nato pa se je…
I have a question. How does this green looks on your monitors? Because on my looks really nice, but I saw it once on some other computer and it was fluorescent!!! And I don’t want it to be fluorescent…. So?
Zgodba se nadaljuje…. TURISTIČNE INFO so zakon. I am enjoying it very much. Čeprav verjamem, da se ti po nekem času začne že fuzlat… Še dobro, da imam navezo z natakarco, ki mi prinese 2dcl hladnega točenega Uniona….And here we go again! hahaha To je blo kr hecn. Seveda: OTROCI NE DELAJTE TEGA SAMI! 😉…