
Špatulja se rima na Tjašulja. 🙂 Ampak špatulja je več kot to. Špatulja je beseda, ki obstaja tudi v angleščini. V angleškem jeziku je špatulja spatula (beri po angleško: spečula). Morda kdo nima pojma o čem govorim? Špatulja je t o l e (=klik na tale tekst)!


Tole mi je bolano. In taki kreteni mečejo slabo luč na vse wanna be fotografe! (Se mi zdi, da profiji nikoli ne bi tega delali!?) http://www.e-fotografija.com/galerija/gallery_bigpic.php?id=86856&limit=2&sortby=natecaj_49

Learning Slovenian!

Yes, some people sometimes do that.  Learn Slovenian, I mean. It seems quite imposible, maybe like German, if I compare it with languages I know better. Still, if anyone is ever interested…here is the first step book: http://www.madeinslovenija.net/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage_new&product_id=596&category_id=4&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 If you are not interested in learning Slovenian, you still might wanna read the prologue, which is…