I have a question. How does this green looks on your monitors? Because on my looks really nice, but I saw it once on some other computer and it was fluorescent!!! And I don’t want it to be fluorescent…. So?
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I have a question. How does this green looks on your monitors? Because on my looks really nice, but I saw it once on some other computer and it was fluorescent!!! And I don’t want it to be fluorescent…. So?
Na mojem monitorju zgleda pomladanska listnato zelena. Lepa!:)
No kul. Taka naj bi bila. 😉
pr men pa zgleda mal fluroscentna, ampak ni hujsga
Pr men zgleda kr precej flourestenčna. Ob izdatnem gledanju bi lahko povzročila glavobol.
boljš? 😉
Tale look mi je res všeč. Se strinjate? Je pa treba mal postokat, da ni prov velik za zbirat, večina jih je belo modrih al pa črnih. boooorrrriiiing.
Ni tko, kot na myspacu, kjer se da vse naštimat…
Men osebno je bila prejšnja barva bol kul… Ne vem, dejte spremenit nastavitve svojga monitorja tko, da bo leeeepa zelena 🙂